
Stay informed with KeyMentions, your go-to Reddit monitoring tool that alerts you instantly when your brand or keywords are mentioned.


Navigating the vibrant discussions on Reddit is crucial for brand management. KeyMentions AI is here to help, providing real-time alerts whenever your brand or keywords are mentioned.

Mentions Reddit

What KeyMentions Offers

This is essentially your ears on the ground in Reddit’s vast forums. When someone mentions your brand or a targeted keyword, you get an alert. This real-time tracking means you can jump into discussions promptly, potentially steering conversations or simply engaging with your audience.

 It’s time to start capitalizing on Reddit with effective marketing that hits the right threads and demographics

How to Use KeyMentions

Here you go:

  1. Sign up and set your account.
  2. Enter the keywords or brand names you want to monitor.
  3. Configure how you want to receive notifications.

Once set up, KeyMentions runs in the background, sending you notifications whenever your keywords pop up in Reddit discussions.

KeyMentions Keywords

Pros of KeyMentions

  • Real-Time Alerts: Get notified as soon as your brand is mentioned, allowing for timely interactions.
  • Focus on Reddit: Tailored specifically for Reddit, which is known for its vibrant and varied discussion communities.
  • User-Friendly: Simple setup and easy to configure alerts.

Cons of KeyMentions

  • Limited Scope: Only monitors Reddit, so if you need broader social media surveillance, you might need another tool.
  • No Sentiment Analysis: It tells you about mentions, but you’ll have to assess the tone and context yourself.
KeyMentions  AI
The Best Reddit Monitoring Tool


Contact for pricing.

Use Cases

  • Brand Monitoring: Ideal for brands wanting to keep a close eye on their reputation within Reddit’s community.
  • Market Research: Understand how certain topics or products are being received by real users.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Find and engage with users who are already discussing your products or topics related to your business.


Q1: Can I track multiple brands with KeyMentions AI?
Yes, you can monitor several brands or keywords, but the total number depends on your subscription plan.

Q2: How fast do I receive notifications?
Alerts are typically very prompt, allowing you to see mentions as they happen, depending on your chosen settings.

Q3: Is there support available if I run into issues?
Yes, KeyMentions provides customer support to help you with any challenges you might face.

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