
Try how Clever integrates all your school’s educational tools into one easy-to-use platform, streamlining daily classroom activities for both teachers and students.


Introducing Clever AI – platform consolidates access to various educational tools into one interface, making life easier for teachers and students on daily basis.

Clever AI

What Clever Does

This SSO tool acts as a bridge between students, teachers, and educational apps. It simplifies the process of signing in by using a single set of credentials to access a multitude of educational software. This means less time remembering passwords and more time focusing on teaching and absorbing information.

How to Use Clever AI

  1. Setup: Schools need to partner with it, which then integrates their existing databases to synchronize student and teacher information.
  2. Access: Once set up, users log in via Clever’s portal, which provides a dashboard to access all linked applications.
  3. Management: Teachers and administrators can monitor usage, assign applications, and manage security settings all from one dashboard.
Clever SSO


  • Simplified Access: One login grants entry to all associated educational tools.
  • Enhanced Security: Clever ensures that data is handled securely, keeping student and staff information safe.
  • Streamlined Management: Admins can easily oversee user accounts and app usage, making it simpler to maintain control over the school’s tech resources.


  • Dependence on Internet: Being an online platform, it requires a consistent internet connection to function.
  • Initial Setup Time: Integrating a school’s system with Clever can take some time and requires initial legwork.
  • Compatibility Issues: Occasionally, certain educational apps might not integrate smoothly with it, leading to accessibility issues.
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Use Cases

  1. Single Sign-On for Students: Students can access all their needed apps without juggling multiple passwords.
  2. Teacher Monitoring and Control: Teachers can assign and revoke access to applications based on current curricular needs.
  3. District-Wide Analytics: School administrators can analyze usage patterns to make informed decisions about which tools are most beneficial.


Q1: Can it be used with any educational software? Mostly, yes. Itintegrates with a wide range of educational applications. However, it’s best to check the compatibility of very specific or less common tools directly on Clever’s website.

Q2: Is there training available for teachers new to Clever? Yes, it provides resources and training modules to get educators up to speed with how to utilize the platform effectively.

Q3: What happens if a student forgets their Clever login? It typically sets up a recovery mechanism through the school’s administration, ensuring students can regain access quickly, often without needing to reset their entire account.

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