data is the new oil

Data is the new Oil and AI the new Engine


As of today 26 March 2024, it’s clear that data reigns supreme, acting as the lifeblood that fuels innovation and growth across industries. Just as oil once powered the industrial revolution, today, data drives the gears of technological advancement, especially with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) as the engine propelling us forward. You’re probably aware that every click, search, and purchase feeds into a vast reservoir of data, but have you stopped to think about the machinery that processes this digital crude?

I have been telling for years to my team, at induction sections, summer camp and various conferences that “data is the new oil” and that we are in the middle of a new revolution that is as big as the agrarian or the industrial revolution.

AI is the transformative force, leveraging data to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and spur the creation of innovative products and services. The journey from raw data to actionable insights involves complex pipelines and sophisticated analytics, akin to the refinement process of crude oil into usable fuel​​.

Few Big tech companies are and will continue to Dominate AI Research

There is a song that says: “the winner takes it all“. With great power comes great responsibility. The dominion over this valuable resource is concentrated in the hands of a few tech behemoths – Google, Facebook (Meta), Amazon, and Microsoft, to name a few, especially when it comes to very Large Language Models. These entities wield unprecedented influence, navigating vast oceans of data to map out user behavior, tailor experiences, and in some cases, shape societal norms. The aggregation of such data bestows upon them not only economic power but also a pivotal role in the architecture of our digital future​​.

when it comes to data “less is more”

The dialogue surrounding data’s omnipresence in our lives often circles back to the critical themes of privacy, data sovereignty, and the ethical use of AI. Striking a harmonious balance between harnessing the potential of data and AI for progress while safeguarding individual rights and fostering a competitive ecosystem is paramount. Initiatives and regulations, like the GDPR, underscore the global push for a more equitable digital domain, where transparency and user empowerment are not just encouraged but mandated​​.

The future is being written in lines of data and AI algorithms!

data is the new oil ai the new engine
data is the new oil ai the new engine

Generative AI

If AI is indeed the new engine powering, then generative AI stands as the new rocket, propelling us into uncharted territories with its groundbreaking capabilities. After the “Data Revolution” we have de facto entered the “Artificial Intelligence Revolution” era, which is going to last for quite a few more years into the future, gaining in strength while I predict other hypes such as crypto will fade away much faster.

Generative AI, with its ability to create new content – from text to images, videos, and even code – that mimics human-like creativity, represents a quantum leap in how we approach problem-solving, innovation, and creation. This branch of AI doesn’t just interpret or analyze data; it generates new data that didn’t exist before, mimicking human creativity but at a scale and speed that are simply unattainable for humans alone.

AI is nothing without data, the quality of data is fundamental else

with bad data AI is garbage in – garbage out

In my opinion, Generative AI stretches far and wider than predictive AI, promising to redefine industries, from design and entertainment to engineering and medicine, by making the creative process more efficient, accessible, and expansive.

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