Ex-Human Inc.

Ex-human is a digital human platform that offers Digital Humans as a Service to enhance user engagement through hyper-realistic open-domain conversations. The platform allows anyone to create interactive AI Humans that support realistic conversations, making it a valuable tool for businesses and individuals looking to create engaging and immersive experiences

Ex Human

If you’re venturing into the fascinating field of digital humans, Ex-Human Inc. at exh.ai is a company that offers a suite of tools that could be particularly intriguing for you. Their flagship offering centers around creating and interacting with AI-powered digital characters, which can have a profound impact on various industries, from entertainment to customer service.

One of the standout features is the ability to generate lifelike animated videos through their “Create Bot V3” service. This tool allows you to upload a photo, which is then transformed into an animated video of an AI Human—an idle version, to be precise. This can serve as a base for further customization, such as lip-syncing animations, where you can make these characters speak with synced audio using the “Generate Lipsync V3” service​​.

Moreover, Ex-Human AI provides robust chatbot functionalities. You can interact with these digital beings using simple commands to receive responses or smart replies, making the digital characters not just visually but also conversationally interactive​.

Official Ex-Human video

Among their most popular products are Talking Heads, Digital Humans, Photify AI and Botify AI, perfect for influencers, metaverse, dating and more.

For developers, getting started is streamlined with clear documentation and authentication processes, ensuring you can integrate these capabilities into your own applications with minimal fuss​. The platform’s API allows developers to integrate digital humans into their applications, while the website offers resources and documentation to help users get started with the platform

So, if creating and interacting with hyper-realistic digital personas sounds up your alley, Ex-Human’s platform might just be the tool you need to bring your creative or business visions to life.

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