
Bonjoro enables you to send personalized video messages directly to your customers, improving relationships and increasing sales with a simple, engaging approach.


Are you looking to add a personal touch to your customer interactions? Bonjoro, a video messaging tool, lets you send customized welcome and thank-you videos to enhance engagement and boost sales.

bonjorno lifelong supporters

What is Bonjoro?

Bonjoro is a video tool for Ecommerce, Educators & Entrepreneurs that lets you send personal welcome & thank-you videos to make more sales & delight your customers

Frankly, we did not find any prominent AI feature in this too.

How to Use Bonjoro AI

Follow some steps:

  1. Integrate the tool with your customer relationship management (CRM) system or use it standalone.
  2. When you get a new customer or lead, Bonjoro notifies you.
  3. Record your video directly in the app. You can add a message, tweak it with filters, or include calls-to-action.
  4. Send it off! Your video lands directly in your customer’s inbox, providing a personal touch that emails alone can’t match.
How to Use Bonjorno AI


  • Increased Engagement: Videos can forge a stronger connection than text-based communications.
  • Customization: Tailor each video to the recipient to make them feel special.
  • Ease of Use: The interface is user-friendly, even if you’re not tech-savvy.


  • Time Consuming: Recording individual videos takes more time than sending a generic email blast.
  • Dependence on Internet Quality: Poor internet can affect the video recording and sending process.
  • Limited Automation: While personalized, it doesn’t offer broad automated marketing capabilities.
bonjorno ai


Bonjoro Video Messaging Pricing:

Free Trial

Starter Plan – $15/month

Pro Plan – $29/month

Grrrowth Plan – $79/month

Bonjoro Testimonials Pricing:

Free Trial

Pro Plan – $20/month

Use Cases

  • Ecommerce: Send a personal thank-you video after someone makes a purchase.
  • Education: Welcome new students to your course with a warm, informative greeting.
  • Entrepreneurship: Follow up with leads after networking events to remind them of your conversation.


Q: Can I track how my videos are performing? Yes, Bonjoro AI includes tracking tools so you can see who watched your videos and how they interacted with them.

Q: Are there any limits on video length? Video length can vary by plan. The free plan typically has shorter limits, while premium plans allow longer recordings.

Q: Can I use Bonjoro on any device? Absolutely! It works on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Just install their app or access it through a browser.

Bonjoro AI offers a unique way to connect with your audience, making each interaction more memorable. If you value building strong customer relationships, this tool could be a game changer for your business.

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