ChatGBT, not to be confused with ChatGPT, is an AI Tool which is helpful in every field of life. It’s based on a powerful system called GPT-4 developed by Open AI. This technology is quite advanced, allowing Chat GBT to perform a wide range of tasks. It can provide information on almost any topic, it can assist in learning and education, and even craft stories or articles.


ChatGBT“, yes there is no spelling mistake here, it’s written Chat GBT (with a B instead of a P), seems to be an excellent conversational AI Assistant tool designed to assist you in a myriad of tasks, ranging from drafting emails to generating creative content. Imagine having a partner that’s ready 24/7 to help you out with nearly any text-based task, and that’s ChatGBT AI for you.

What is ChatGBT ?

Using ChatGBT is like chatting with a friend who happens to be a genius in a wide array of subjects. You type in a request or a question, and it responds almost instantly with a well-thought-out answer. Whether you’re stuck with a coding problem or looking for a creative story idea, ChatGBT has got your back.

ChatGBT could stands for “Conversational Human-like AI Technology Generated Bot Tool“:

C – Conversational
H – Human-like
A – AI
T – Technology
G – Generated
B – Bot
T – Tool

… and is not not using the to be patented GPT acronym that stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer.

“Chat GBT” uses sophisticated AI algorithms such as GPT-4 and including natural language processing, to understand and generate responses. It’s trained on a vast database of texts, enabling it to handle diverse topics and conversation styles.

How to use ChatGBT?

At the time of writing this article, I could not make it work, as you can see from the screenshot below, the tool returned error “Nonce verification failed“:

how to use ChatGBT

I will try again to test Chat GBT page in a few days, hopefully they are experiencing a temporary problem, but it may as well be a clickbait page due to the recent viral trend, at first glance the official page seems to be built on a WordPress server offering a ChatGBT login as registration page.

Based on web research, that is if you google chatgbt, rather than my direct experience I have tried my best to put together this review which I hope readers can still find somehow helpful.


  • Versatility: It’s like a Swiss Army knife for text; whatever you need written, ChatGBT is up for the task.
  • Accessibility: Being an online tool, it’s available wherever you have internet access. No downloads, no installations.
  • Ease of Use: Its interface is straightforward. If you can use a chat app, you can use ChatGBT AI.


  • Dependence on Connectivity: No internet means no ChatGBT. It’s an online-only tool, there is no ChatGBT app.
  • Learning Curve: Some features might require a bit of a getting-used-to period, especially for advanced functionalities.


Most of these AI platforms offer a freemium model—basic services for free ChatGBT online with advanced features locked behind a subscription or payment. This approach makes it accessible for anyone to start using the tool, with the option to scale up as needed. This is not verified, but at the bottom of their home page they claim to offer GPT-4 for free also.

Use Cases

  1. Content Creation: From blog posts to advertising copy, ChatGBT can help you draft various forms of written content.
  2. Homework Helper: Stuck on a tough essay question? ChatGBT can help you break down academic questions and form your answers.
  3. Coding Assistant: It can provide coding help and even debug suggestions.


  • Can ChatGBT write an entire novel? While it can assist in generating ideas, outlines, or even draft chapters, crafting an entire novel requires a human touch for nuance and coherence over long texts.
  • Is it suitable for academic research? It can be a great starting point for research, but always double-check facts and cite your sources properly.
  • Can ChatGBT help improve my writing skills? Absolutely! By providing examples and suggestions, it can be a valuable tool for honing your writing.
ChatGBT free GPT-4 AI

How ChatGBT VS ChatGPT VS Google Gemini

ChatGBT, while similar in name to ChatGPT, might offer unique features or focus on particular use cases, such as text conversion or specific content generation tools. Unlike ChatGPT, which is developed by OpenAI and widely known for its conversational capabilities, ChatGBT could tailor its offerings for niche demands or integrate more closely with certain platforms or services.

As for Google’s Gemini, if that’s a current or upcoming service, the comparison would depend on the specific focus of Google’s tool, which traditionally could range from search capabilities to integrating AI across its suite of services. ChatGBT, being more focused, might offer deeper functionalities in its niche.

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