Swap Face by Remaker

Remaker Face Swap, dubbed FaceVary, is an online service touted as the first truly free face swap offering, presenting an opportunity to seamlessly exchange faces in pictures without dealing with watermarks or ads, a boon for casual users and creative minds alike​​.

Remaker Swap Face free online

Remaker’s Face Swap is a Free AI tool recommended especially for those looking to inject a bit of fun or creativity into their photos.

You should not confuse Face Swap (which can swap a single face) with other Remaker’s products such as Multiple Face Swap and Video Face Swap.

How Does It Work?

At its core, the process is straightforward: you upload an original image featuring the face you wish to swap, followed by the image containing the new face. After a brief moment of processing, the tool presents you with a preview of the face swap, which you can then download if it meets your satisfaction​​.

how to use remaker to swap faces


  • Cost: It’s entirely free, standing out in a market where similar services might require a subscription or one-time payment.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is designed to be intuitive, requiring just a few taps or clicks to achieve a complete face swap.
  • Mobile Friendly: Optimized for mobile devices, it allows you to swap faces directly from your smartphone, ensuring a hassle-free experience on the go​​.
  • Multi-Person Swap: Beyond single swaps, it offers the capability to switch multiple faces within group photos, expanding the tool’s versatility and fun factor​​.


  • Privacy Concerns: While the service emphasizes its privacy and security measures, the inherent nature of uploading personal photos online may still raise concerns for some users.
  • Internet Dependency: Being an online tool, its accessibility is tied to having an active internet connection.


The Remaker FaceSwap Free tool is, as the name implies, completely free to use. This approach ensures accessibility to a wide audience, making it an appealing choice for those hesitant to invest in paid alternatives.

Use Cases

  • Entertainment: Spice up your social media content with whimsical face swaps, whether it’s swapping faces with celebrities or pets.
  • Creative Projects: Enhance group photos or explore new perspectives in art projects by mixing and matching different faces.
  • Problem Solving: Correct group photos where someone blinked or didn’t look their best by swapping in a better expression from another photo.
  • Batch Swapping
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Is it legal to swap faces?

While not directly illegal, the usage of face swap technology treads a fine line with regards to privacy, the right to one’s likeness, and potential defamation. The key is ethical use and respecting others’ rights​​.

Can I use it on an iPhone?

Yes, the tool is designed to be mobile-friendly and can be accessed from any mobile browser, including Safari on iPhone, making face swapping convenient and accessible regardless of your device​​.

Is the tool safe to use?

Yes, with robust privacy protections in place. Uploaded images are not stored or saved, ensuring user privacy. All images are deleted within 24 hours to further secure user data​​​​.

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Swap Face by Remaker
Swap Face by Remaker
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