
See how GaliChat AI can transform your approach to customer interaction and lead management, operating non-stop to support your business growth. Try it, it will be your 24/7 AI Lead Generation & Support Assistant that helps you grow your business


It is your go-to AI tool for boosting lead generation and enhancing customer support, offering round-the-clock assistance to keep your business responsive and engaging. This AI assistant not only helps in managing customer interactions but also reduces the workload on your team.

GaliChat AI

What is GaliChat?

This is an artificial intelligence tool that functions as your business’s lead generation and customer support assistant. Operating 24/7, it interacts with your customers or potential leads, answers their queries, and helps keep them engaged with your brand.

How to Use GaliChat AI ?

Here you go:

  1. Setup: Install the widget on your website.
  2. Customize: Tailor the chat responses to fit your brand voice and the specific needs of your customers.
  3. Activate: Let GaliChat handle inquiries, provide product information, and engage users visiting your site.
How to Use GaliChat AI


  • Increased Availability: With GaliChat, your customer service is active all day, every day, ensuring no customer query goes unanswered.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces the need for a large team to manage customer interactions, cutting down on operational costs.
  • User Engagement: Keeps your website visitors engaged, helping to convert leads into sales by providing timely information.


  • Limited Understanding: Sometimes, it might struggle with complex queries that require human nuance or deep technical knowledge.
  • Dependency on Scripting: The effectiveness of GaliChat depends heavily on how well the chat scripts are written and updated.
Adaptable AI ChatGPT

GaliChat Pricing

There is an opportunity to have a Free Demo. Aside of that this AI tool offers a subscription based pricing model:

Pro Plan – $19/month

Business Plan – $99/month

Enterprise Plan – $999/month

Use Cases

  1. E-commerce: For online stores, it can answer FAQs about products, help track orders, and assist in handling returns or exchanges.
  2. Service Providers: Whether you’re a plumber or a software developer, GaliChat can schedule appointments, provide service quotes, and gather customer requirements.
  3. Event Management: Use it to provide event details, register participants, and offer updates on event schedules.


  • Can GaliChat handle multiple languages? Yes, it can be set up to support multiple languages, making it ideal for international businesses.
  • Is it suitable for a small business? Absolutely, it’s designed to scale, so it fits perfectly whether you’re just starting out or already have a growing customer base.
  • How does GaliChat integrate with other tools? It integrates well with various CRM systems and email platforms, enabling you to maintain a cohesive data flow and customer management system.

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