
Upgrade your forms with TypeflowAI, where GPT AI powers transform static fields into interactive, adaptive conversations. For e a more interactive and personalized experience for your users, TypeflowAI might just be the tool you need. With its AI-driven capabilities, it redefines what forms can do, making every user interaction count.


Do you sometimes feel that your online forms are just passively gathering responses? Try TypeflowAI, a platform that elevates forms with the power of GPT AI, turning your standard queries into dynamic, context-aware dialogues. This innovative tool extends beyond conventional form builders by incorporating cutting-edge AI technology.

Typeflow AI

What TypeflowAI Does?

TypeflowAI is the next generation of form builders, enabling businesses to create dynamic, AI-powered forms that integrate the best of form builder features with the power of AI. TypeflowAI forms are designed to be more conversational, interactive, and intelligent, providing a more engaging and efficient form-filling experience for users.

TypeflowAI supercharges your forms with GPT superpowers. Essentially, it turns typical form fields into smart merge tags that adapt based on user inputs. This means your forms can generate personalized responses or follow-up questions on the fly, creating a more engaging and interactive experience for your users.

How To Use TypeflowAI

Getting started with TypeflowAI is simple:

  1. Create a Form: Begin by setting up your form with the usual questions you’d want to ask.
  2. Enhance with AI: Apply TypeflowAI’s features to convert these questions into dynamic prompts. This is where the magic happens—each question can now evolve based on previous answers.
  3. Deploy: Once your form is ready, integrate it into your website or app just like any other form. Monitor the interactions through TypeflowAI’s dashboard and tweak as necessary.
typeflow form builder


  • Enhanced User Engagement: By making forms interactive, you keep users engaged, increasing completion rates.
  • Personalization: Dynamic merge tags allow for tailored interactions, making each user feel uniquely understood.
  • Easy to Integrate: If you already use forms on your platforms, integrating TypeflowAI doesn’t require a major overhaul.


  • Complexity for Non-technical Users: Some users might find the setup of dynamic prompts a bit intricate without prior AI knowledge.
  • Cost: Depending on your usage, the pricing might be a consideration if you’re managing a lot of forms or require extensive customization.
typeflow questions

Typeflow AI Pricing

Free Trial

Basic Plan – $29/month

Pro Plan – $99/month

Enterprise Plan – $499/month

Use Cases

  1. Customer Feedback: Customize follow-up questions based on how a customer rates a service, gathering more detailed feedback when needed.
  2. Job Applications: Tailor questions based on previous responses to draw out more relevant information from candidates.
  3. Event Registration: Adjust subsequent questions based on the choices made by attendees, such as dietary preferences or session interests.


  • Can TypeflowAI handle multiple languages? Yes, it supports various languages, making your forms versatile and globally accessible.
  • Is there any limit to the number of forms I can create? Limits may apply depending on your chosen plan. The free tier usually has a cap, while premium plans offer more flexibility.
  • How does TypeflowAI ensure user data privacy? The platform adheres to strict data privacy laws, it is GDPR Compliant, ensuring all data collected through your forms is securely handled and stored.

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