AI Voice Cloning by ElevenLabs

ElevenLabs AI Voice Cloning is a tool offering Professional-grade cloning of your own voice that is indistinguishable from the real thing. Creating a digital twin of your voice is no longer the stuff of sci-fi.

AI Voice Cloning by ElevenLabs

Imagine having the power to replicate your voice digitally with striking accuracy. That’s what Eleven Labs’ voice cloning technology brings to the table. It’s designed to create ultra-realistic voice copies by mirroring your voice’s intonation, rhythm, and nuance. Whether you’re aiming for quick results with Instant Voice Cloning or a deeper, more nuanced clone through Professional Voice Cloning, Eleven Labs offers a solution. The process is straightforward: choose your model, upload your samples, let Eleven Labs verify them, and voila, generate your clone​​.

This AI tool is not a Voice Changer, it’s a voice cloner!

How to Use It

Voice cloning with Eleven Labs is like embarking on a tech adventure. You start by picking between the instant gratification of Instant Voice Cloning or the meticulous craft of Professional Voice Cloning. The instant option requires just a minute of quality audio, while the professional path asks for a minimum of 30 minutes. Following verification to ensure the audio is genuinely yours and meets quality standards, you’ll receive your voice clone, ready to speak in any of the 29 languages supported​​.

Wall of Cloned AI Voices

1. Choose Your Model

Decide between our Instant or Professional Voice Cloning based on your needs.

2. Upload samples

For Instant Voice Cloning, a minute of quality audio suffices. For Professional Voice Cloning, provide us with a minimum of 30 minutes.

3. Verification

We will verify that the audio you provided is yours and that it meets our quality standards.

4. Generate audio

Get instant results with Instant Voice Cloning. If you’ve chosen Professional Voice Cloning, we’ll notify you once your voice clone is ready (~2-6 hours).

How to Clone Your Voice with ElevenLabs
How to Clone Your Voice with ElevenLabs AI Voice Cloning


  • Ultra-Realistic Clones: The technology captures every subtle nuance of your voice, delivering a clone that’s nearly identical to the real deal.
  • Multilingual Support: Jump between 29 languages, ensuring your clone isn’t just a one-language wonder.
  • Privacy and Security: Your voice stays yours. Eleven Labs ensures robust security measures to protect your cloned voice​​.


  • Quality Demands: The quality of your clone hinges significantly on the quality of the audio samples you provide. This might require professional recording equipment or environment to get the best results​​.
  • Wait Times for Professional Cloning: If you opt for the Professional Voice Cloning, be prepared for a waiting period. Although instant results are available for Instant Voice Cloning, the professional option could take around 2-6 hours​​​​.


Getting started with Eleven Labs’ voice cloning technology can be as affordable as $1, catering to a range of needs from quick and simple projects to more complex, customized requirements​​.

Use Cases

The applications for voice cloning are vast. From gaming to content creation, audiobook production, and enhancing accessibility for those with speech impairments, the potential uses are as varied as they are exciting​​. AI voice cloning technology works in 29 languages and 100+ accents. They are constantly adding new languages and accents to our platform. Speak in a new language in three easy steps.

AI voice cloning technology works in 29 languages and 100+ accents.


  1. What is AI Voice Cloning? It’s a tech marvel that creates synthetic copies of human voices, analyzing audio to mimic the tone, pitch, and characteristics of a person’s voice, offering both Instant and Professional Voice Cloning options​​.
  2. How do I get the best voice cloning quality? Eleven Labs AI Voice cloning can clone voices with as little as a few seconds of audio. However, the more audio you provide, the better the quality of the voice clone. Opt for Professional Voice Cloning if you’re after a clone that’s indistinguishable from the real thing, with a recommendation to provide a minimum of 30 minutes of high-quality audio​​.
  3. Does voice cloning preserve the accent? Yes, the accent is preserved. You can also clone your voice in one language and use it to generate speech in another.

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AI Voice Cloning by ElevenLabs
AI Voice Cloning by ElevenLabs
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