🖼️➕ Image Uncropping / Outpainting

Image uncropping, also known as outpainting, is a process where the missing parts of an image are filled in by extending its boundaries. Whether you’re working with old family photos or creating new artwork, outpainting allows you to expand images beyond their original borders. This can be especially useful for restoring damaged photos or creating unique visuals from limited data.

AI and Image Uncropping: Disruptive Tools and Use Cases

AI has brought significant advancements to image uncropping. Tools like DALL-E and Photoshop’s Content-Aware Fill use artificial intelligence to predict and generate the missing sections of an image. These AI-powered tools analyze the existing parts of the image and create realistic extensions, making it possible to recover lost details or add imaginative elements. For instance, you can take a cropped photo of a landscape and extend it to show a full panorama, or restore an old photograph by filling in the torn edges.

Our Recommendations and Alternatives

For the best image uncropping results, you might consider using tools like DALL-E for its advanced generative capabilities or Photoshop for its user-friendly interface. These tools offer robust features that cater to both beginners and professionals. If you’re looking for alternatives, try DeepArt.io or Artbreeder, which also provide impressive outpainting capabilities. Each of these tools leverages AI to help you achieve seamless image extensions, making them valuable additions to your creative toolkit.

We have a category of AI tools below that can fulfill this use case.

  • PromeAI Pro

    PromeAI Pro

    PromeAI is an AI-powered image generation platform designed to bring your creative ideas to life effortlessly. Whether you’re an architect, designer, or content creator, this platform offers a wide range of tools to cater to different creative needs. Established by the LibAI Lab, PromeAI focuses on making AI accessible and beneficial for everyone through its innovative technology.

  • Problembo


    Poblembo, an AI-powered platform that offers diverse tools for image generation, photo editing, and creative content production. Using Problembo, you can easily navigate through a variety of AI tools designed to enhance your creative projects and simplify everyday tasks. Whether you are an artist, marketer, or simply looking to improve your images, Problembo AI has a solution tailored for you.

  • The Top AI Tools to Uncrop Images

    The Top AI Tools to Uncrop Images

    You are here, this is the right place if you want to Uncrop an Image with minimal effort, for free, online and with near perfect results! So, have you ever captured a photo only to realize later that it could have been perfect if just a little more of the scene was included? That’s where […]

  • How to UnCrop an Image with Stable Diffusion Model by Stability AI

    How to UnCrop an Image with Stable Diffusion Model by Stability AI

    If you are here is because you want to Uncrop (outpaint) an image using the free and extremely popular AI Stable Diffusion Image Model from Stability AI. So, have ever found yourself wishing you could extend the edges of your photos to fit better on different platforms or to just make them more appealing? That’s […]

  • Stable Diffusion Image Model

    Stable Diffusion Image Model

    Stable Diffusion image is innovative machine learning model turns your written words into captivating visuals in seconds. Whether you’re a digital artist, a marketer, or simply exploring new creative avenues, Stable Diffusion offers unparalleled ease and quality. With its ability to run on consumer-level GPUs, it democratizes the art of image generation, putting powerful tools right at your fingertips.

  • Uncrop AI by Jasper

    Uncrop AI by Jasper

    Uncrop AI by Jasper is a state-of-the-art tool designed to edit and enhance the aspect ratio of your images. This AI-powered feature allows you to expand the backgrounds of your photos, giving new depth and context to your visuals.

  • Remaker AI Photo Outpainter / Uncropper

    Remaker AI Photo Outpainter / Uncropper

    If you’ve ever wished your images could tell more of a story or just needed them to fit a wider frame, Remaker AI’s image outpainting feature might be what you’re looking for. This tool does the heavy lifting for you, allowing your creativity to take the reins. Here’s the lowdown on what it offers, its benefits, drawbacks, pricing, and typical use cases.