📅 Meeting Assistant

A Meeting Assistant is an AI tool designed to streamline and enhance your meeting experience. These smart tools can automate scheduling, note-taking, follow-up reminders, and even transcribe conversations in real time. By taking over these tasks, a Meeting Assistant lets you focus on the important aspects of your discussions, boosting productivity and ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

AI’s Entry into Meeting Tools

AI is making waves in the meeting space with several disruptive tools. For instance, tools like Otter.ai provide real-time transcription, making it easier for you to review and share meeting notes. Zoom’s AI features can automatically record and highlight key points, saving you from manual note-taking. Google Calendar’s AI scheduling assistant helps you find the best time for meetings, reducing back-and-forth emails. These AI-driven tools are changing how meetings are conducted, making them more efficient and effective.

Our Recommendations and Alternatives

For the best Meeting Assistant experience, consider using Otter.ai for transcription and note-taking. Zoom’s AI features are great for capturing highlights and ensuring you don’t miss critical points. Google Calendar’s assistant can handle scheduling with ease. If you’re looking for alternatives, consider tools like Microsoft Teams, which integrates with various AI features for a seamless meeting experience. Each of these tools brings unique strengths to the table, offering you a range of options to suit your needs.

We have a category of AI tools below that can fulfill this use case.

  • MeetAVA


    MeetAVA revolutionizes your meetings with real-time transcription, automated task management, and insightful analytics, ensuring no detail is missed.

  • StreamAlive


    Use StreamAlive AI to run polls, word clouds, Q&As, spinner wheels, interactive e Live, hybrid, and offline sessions, Maps, and more in your Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, Twitch, YouTube.