AI Politics 🤖🗳️

AI politics is the emergent influence AI exerts in political processes, governance, and decision-making. You’re probably seeing it in the analytics around data that forecasts election outcomes and shapes public opinion through compelling targeted content. The use of AI will also be much greater than just a helper for candidates, reshaping policy debates, where an algorithm can see the possible consequences of a new law or policy much quicker than any human. The politics of AI is to deploy technological means in the betterment of political systems, while questions are being raised about who controls the tech and how these systems are transparent.

How AI Is Upending Politics with New Tools

Politics is being entered by AI in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. For instance, chatbots speak with voters and answer questions about policy issues during election campaigns. AI can determine voter behavior through past elections and thus help campaigns target resources more effectively. Another example would be the fact-checking of political speeches in real time. You can even see AI in action, since it provides help with the writing and analysis of policy briefs, hence fast-tracking the decision-making processes. The tools are there, making political strategies more exciting to plan and execute.

  • AI Used in Bid to Disrupt US Elections

    AI Used in Bid to Disrupt US Elections

    Artificial intelligence has already flexed its muscles in shaping and disrupting electoral processes; the stakes are higher as the technology spreads and becomes more sophisticated. If you follow the news on how AI is being used to influence the outcome of elections, you will realize that disinformation tactics have taken on a new life. Let’s […]

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