ai technology

  • AI Vape: how would the Future of Personalized Vaping be?

    AI Vape: how would the Future of Personalized Vaping be?

    Among many tools for productivity of fun, smoking has been there for thousand of years, and indeed it progressed to climax with The AI Vape. What is a Vape? A vape is an electronic device, generally known as an e-cigarette, which heats a liquid-usually called the e-liquid-into vapor that is inhaled. Initially marketed as a […]

  • Diwali AI: Redefining the Festival of Lights

    Diwali AI: Redefining the Festival of Lights

    Diwali, which is celebrated by millions across the globe, is a spectacular festival that marks the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. This Indian heritage-originated celebration covers a wide gamut of cultural and spiritual practices: from coming together in the lighting of diyas, sharing sweets, and enjoyment of fireworks. Now, this use […]

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