Welcome to Raiday.ai – Posting an Ad Guide

Thank you for choosing Raiday.ai to showcase your products or services! Posting an ad on Raiday.ai is a straightforward process designed to help you reach our community of AI enthusiasts and professionals. Whether you’re promoting AI tools, services, or content, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to post an ad:

Step 1: Sign In or Sign Up
If you’re new to Raiday.ai, you’ll need to sign up for an account. If you already have an account, simply sign in to get started.

Step 2: Choose Ad Type
Decide on the type of ad you want to post. Raiday.ai offers three main categories:

  1. AI Tools: Showcase your innovative AI Tools and software solutions.
  2. AI Providers: Highlight your Company as an AI Provider, including any consultancy, services, development, and support you may offer.
  3. AI Content: Share your AI-related content such as Images, Videos, Libraries, Models, Articles, Courses, Webinars, or Events.

Step 3: Create Your Ad
Once you’ve selected the ad type, you’ll be guided through the process of creating your ad using one of our Submit forms. Please provide all the necessary details, including a catchy title, engaging description, urls for backlinks, relevant tags, and any visuals or media you want to include. Be sure to highlight the unique features and benefits of your product or service to attract potential customers.

Step 4: Set Your Budget
Raiday.ai offers flexible pricing options to suit your advertising goals and budget constraints, view products sponsorships and offers in our shop.

Step 5: Review and Submit
Before submitting your ad, take a moment to review all the details and ensure everything is accurate and in line with your marketing objectives. Once you’re satisfied, hit the submit button, and your ad will be sent for review and moderation. You can contact us for further information.

Step 6: Monitor Your Ad Performance
After passing moderation, once your ad is live, you can track its performance using Raiday.ai’s analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, and leads.

How to Advertise on Raiday.ai ?
How to Advertise on Raiday.ai ?

That’s it! By following these simple steps, you can effectively promote your AI tools, services, or content to our vibrant community of AI enthusiasts and professionals. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy advertising!